May 6, 2015

SSCCC General Council Rejects BS Resolution

The General Council of the Student Senate for California Community Colleges, which gathered May 1-3, rejected a BSemite resolution advocating divestment from Israeli companies. Protocols have not been officially published, but algemeiener has already reported of the BS failure in the General Council:
Earlier this week, on May 3, a similar bid failed to pass when the California Community College system, the largest educational system in the United States, rejected a resolution to divest from companies doing business with Israel. 
The General Assembly of the Student Senate of California Community Colleges – which represents over 2.1 million students – voted against the divestment measure with a final tally of 25 in favor, 44 opposed, and six abstentions.
Another blow for BS's hypocritical attempts, one we will surely learn more about in the future.