September 8, 2015

Palestinians are against the BS Movement

Surprise, surprise - yet another poll shows that the Palestinian population is actually opposed to the BS movement and the BSemites running it. See this report from Israel Hayom by Judith Bergman:
A poll released on Sept. 1 by the Jerusalem Media and Communication Center, a Palestinian NGO, showed that support for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement is down among Palestinians. 
"It was clear from the poll that there has been a distinct setback in the level of support for and practice of boycott campaigns of Israeli products in general," the organization said. "The percentage of those who support the boycott of all Israeli projects dropped from 59.2% last March to 49.1% this August. Moreover, the percentage of those who support the boycott of Israeli settlement products only rose from 7.6% last March to 9.4% this August." 
The poll constitutes more proof, if any were needed, that BDS is a morally corrupt movement, which has only one goal on its agenda, the destruction of Israel, whereas the welfare of the Palestinians could not be further from its mind. If the people it is supposed to be helping do not even support it, the last fig leaf, as it were, falls to the ground.
So who is really benefiting from the BS movement? Certainly not the Palestinians...

September 7, 2015

Wales Football Team Ignores BS Whining, Plays Israeli Team in Cardiff

Some BSemites were bored, apparently, and they decided to whine about Israel's football team playing against the Welsh team in Cardiff previously this week, as part of the qualifiers for the 2016 UEFA Euro Championship. Well, guess what? The Welsh team did not care much about their (quite hypocritical, one should add) protest. See this algemeiner report:
The Israeli national soccer team played to a 0-0 tie on Sunday against Wales at Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, U.K. 
Israel’s presence, however, had enraged anti-Israel activists, who staged a protest against the arrival of the team. 
Football Against Apartheid (FAA), which states that it aims to “bring together football and activists campaigning against Apartheid,” posted the itinerary of the protest and the demands it planned to make on soccer associations regarding Israel.
Welsh politicians were very clear with their response:
In an interview last week with Tazpit, Guto Bebb, a British Conservative MP for the Welsh constituency of Aberconwy, described the organizers of the protest as “idiots.”
Denouncing the actions as “two-faced,” he went on to express regret about the reality that there are those “who will protest against a democracy in Israel, but will not lift a finger to protest about Iran or China participating in the London Olympics.” 
When asked about the planned demonstration, a Welsh government spokesperson, requesting anonymity, contradicted the goals of FAA, telling Tazpit that soccer should serve as a powerful tool for bringing people together, while simultaneously expressing its respect for peaceful protest. 
Addressing the Israeli team and fans, the spokesperson concluded by expressing the government’s commitment to the safety of all attending Sunday’s game. “We are sure that the Israeli football team and fans will receive a warm welcome to Wales,” he said.
Israel plays vs. Wales, despite the silly protests