Surprise, surprise - yet another poll shows that the Palestinian population is actually opposed to the BS movement and the BSemites running it. See
this report from Israel Hayom by Judith Bergman:
A poll released on Sept. 1 by the Jerusalem Media and Communication Center, a Palestinian NGO, showed that support for the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement is down among Palestinians.
"It was clear from the poll that there has been a distinct setback in the level of support for and practice of boycott campaigns of Israeli products in general," the organization said. "The percentage of those who support the boycott of all Israeli projects dropped from 59.2% last March to 49.1% this August. Moreover, the percentage of those who support the boycott of Israeli settlement products only rose from 7.6% last March to 9.4% this August."
The poll constitutes more proof, if any were needed, that BDS is a morally corrupt movement, which has only one goal on its agenda, the destruction of Israel, whereas the welfare of the Palestinians could not be further from its mind. If the people it is supposed to be helping do not even support it, the last fig leaf, as it were, falls to the ground.
So who is really benefiting from the BS movement? Certainly not the Palestinians...