Protestors outside a SA Zionist Federation conference in Sandton today, yelled: "You think this is Israel, we are going to kill you". From the outset, it was clear that the aim of the demonstration, in the protestors own words, was to "shut down Sandton" and ensure "no Zionist conference be held on our soil". When their attempts at doing so, failed, it became apparent that the rally was nothing more than a front to stoke up Jew-hatred in South Africa.
Sentiments such as: "You Jews do not belong in South Africa" were shouted from the ranks. As worrying as these displays of anti-Semitism are, equally worrying, is that a Deputy Minister, Obed Bapela chose to attack the SAJBD, specifically calling out the name of our National Director, Wendy Kahn. One would expect a more measured and dignified tone from a government official. It is unbecoming of a Deputy Minister.
Furthermore, Deputy Minister Bapela made a libellous allegation and accused a Jewish marshal of assaulting a protester. A look at the video footage shows that this allegation is unfounded and malicious. It is apparent in the video footage that the protester in fact raised her hand to the marshal, who asked her to remove her hand from his person.
March 9, 2015
Antisemitism in BS Rally in South Africa
This isn't surprising, we know, but once again cute South African BSemites have failed to distinguish between protest and Antisemitism. See this report from Politicsweb: