Bassem Eid, Palestinan affairs analyst for Voice of Israel radio station and founder of the Jerusalem-based Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group, said in a radio interview that the BS attempts led by South Africa only bring harm to the Palestinian economy. See these very bold words from a very bold individual:
Bassem Eid: "BS hurts Palestinians" |
These people are trying to cause a kind of destruction to the Palestinian economy. While they are calling to boycott Israel, that means that Israel is going to fire Palestinian workers. The SodaStream, it was a huge example, that 2,500 Palestinian workers have been fired and they became jobless right now.
On the other side, the message to the South African people, that through the "Yearly Apartheid Week" that you are celebrating in South Africa, I think that you are adding oil to the fire, I think that you are bringing more hate to the existing hatred between the Palestinians and the Israelis. And in a such way, I don't believe that the South African people will be able to achieve any peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis.
To hear Eid's interview, see