BS opponents often ask why Israel should be singled out for boycott, given the abysmal record of just about any other country in the world. At a recent BS coven in California, a student posed this hypocrisy question and pointed out that one cannot divest from one of the world's most liberal democracies without divesting from actual human rights abusers. The Daily Bruin reports:
...She proposed the resolution because she thinks human rights violations are evident in many countries and she views the resolution as a compromise for some pro-Israel students who said they think the first resolution holds Israel to an unfair standard.
Forced into a corner, the BSemites in the room played the only card they had left: They divested from everything, including the United States of America.
The second resolution calls for the UC to divest from foreign governments such as Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Russia, Turkey, Sri Lanka and Mexico, and the U.S., who some say have violated the right to “life, liberty, security of person, to education, to privacy, family (and) home, to own property and (not to) be arbitrarily deprived of property."
The extent of insanity needs to be emphasized: These are students in the University of California system, a public eduction system funded by the State of California. And, perhaps unbeknownst to the students present, the State of California is one of 50 member states of the United States of America. Simply put, California BSemites proposed to divest from themselves and have become the laughing stock of American media.
If you've ever wondered about how seriously one should take student divestment, now you know.