In yet another failed letter writing campaign, BSemites have tried to threaten British pop star Robbie Williams, who will be performing in
Israel in May. Several
days after receiving the threat, Williams thumbed his nose at the
Barghouti group in a video statement:
Tel Aviv, Israel! Me, Robbie Williams, coming to see you. It's like a first date... I've got butterflies in my stomach. I can’t wait. I hope you feel the same way too.
Tel Aviv, are you ready? Please come to see the show. There'll be singing, there'll be dancing. There will be love, mainly me beaming it to you from my heart into your heads and minds.
Robbie William's performance follows recent performances by Lady Gaga, Tony Bennet, Mark Gardener and others. As BSemites put it nicely, "the presence of internationally acclaimed artists from the West is meant to affirm Israel’s membership in the West’s privileged club of cultured, liberal democracies." Indeed it does!