The backlash to French cellphone company Orange's almost-non-boycott has proven furious. Now its CEO has folded his tail between his legs and is on his way to Israel to say how sorry he truly is.
The company's embarrassment started last week when its CEO, Stephane Richard, talked his mouth off in front of an Arab audience and proposed that he would, if he could, cease business with Israel. Not that he will, because he can't. But that, in a parallel universe in which he could, he would, perhaps.
Although this was less of a threat and more of a thought experiment, the comments provoked outrage. And like all BS efforts that encounter any resistance, the BSemite struck a quick retreat.
The Jerusalem Post reports:
"In the space of four days, Richard allegedly supported the idea of
boycotting Israel, retracted by claiming Orange would like to sever its
ties with Israel on a commercial basis only, and then pulled back
again by announcing how Orange “loves Israel” and that it has no
intention of leaving."
"Please don't hurt me..." |
Since then, France's foreign ministry, a large shareholder of the company, has condemned all boycotts against Israel. Richard tried to meet the Israeli ambassador in France but was rebuffed. Netanyahu responded: "If he wants to explain, he can come to
Israel to do so."
And that is exactly what the humbled CEO is now doing: Flying to Israel to "clear up the misunderstanding." According to
Algemeiner, Richard has seen the light:
“Orange does not support any form
of boycott, in Israel or anywhere else in the world. … Let me make it
very clear that the Orange Group is in Israel to stay,” said CEO
Stephane Richard, adding that he “sincerely regrets” the recent
To him and all other BSemites we say: "Booh"! That should suffice to scare them away.